Keroxen 2024
Ondamarela spent the last week in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, on an artistic residency for the incredible Festival Keroxen. Working with an incredible group of people from Funcasor, the Conservatório and who joined us in an Open Call, we created a performance that spoke about the island, the people, the sound, the differences in level, about opening doors and letting people in!
Thank you to the festival for the wonderful invitation, thank you to all the friends we made, for the learning, for the dedication, for the love.
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Cloud of Future
Ondamarela promoted, for the Vapor Festival, in Entroncamento, the performance “Nuvem de Futuro”, with around 3 dozen people of all ages, from this city. Based on the idea of ”Fantasizing the Future”, phenomena, doubts and certainties, questions and myths were discussed. The city, its characteristics, needs, and the desires of its inhabitants now and for a long time were also discussed. Children from “Sports Holidays” also participated in the construction phase, creating news of the future and the musical basis for one of the themes.
The cloud, the lack of definition, the “maybe…”, the “not knowing”, with the motto of Fernando Pessoa’s Desassossego Book, were the mainstay of the entire performance, which took place on the last day of the Festival, the 29th, throughout from the Festival site, but ending at the Telheiro Stage. A very beautiful process, of great learning, with an amazing group of people. Thanks everyone.
Mist or Cloud? Did it ascend from the earth or descend from the sky? It wasn’t known. It was more like a disease of the air than a descent or an emanation. Sometimes it seemed more like a disease of the eyes than a reality of nature.
Whatever it was, there was a restless feeling throughout the landscape.
blurred tion, made of forgetfulness and attenuation. It was as if the silence of the sun took over an imperfect body. One would say that something was going to happen and that everywhere there was an intuition by which the visible was veiled. It was difficult to tell whether the sky had clouds or rather mist, it was a dull torpor, an imponderably yellowish greyness, except where it faded into false pink or where it stagnated, turning blue, but then it was also impossible to distinguish whether it was the sky that was revealing itself, if it was another blue that covered it.
Nothing was defined or indefinite. That’s why one felt like calling the mist a cloud because it didn’t look like a mist or asking if it was a mist or a cloud because one couldn’t understand what it was.
Bernardo Soares (Fernando Pessoa) Book of Disquiet
Photos by João Roldão
People Are The Heritage

The people. There are two common mistakes regarding equity. The first is to think that it’s about buildings – it’s about people and what they invest in bricks. The second is to think that it’s about the past – it’s about the future, what will be left after we disappear.
September 19th, Thursday, 9:30 pm, at Largo do Trovador
Presentation of the Performance co-created with the population

September 20, Friday, 2:00 pm, Youth Hostel
Uncomplicated Conversation with Ricardo Rodrigues (CMG) and Rui Vítor Costa (Muralha)
September 20th, Friday, 6:30 pm
Performative Route “Halfway”
Meeting point: Alameda de S. Dâmaso (look for the “girl” at the fountain, we will be there waiting for you)
Limit of participants per edition: 20 people
September 21st, Saturday, 2:30 pm, Bar da Ramada
Uncomplicated Conversation with Catarina Braga (visual artist), Carlos A Correia (Outra Voz)
September 21, Saturday, 6:30 pm
Performative Route “Halfway”
Meeting point: Alameda de S. Dâmaso (look for the “girl” at the fountain, we will be there waiting for you)
Limit of participants per edition: 20 people
September 22nd, Sunday, 11am
Performative Route “Halfway”
Meeting point: Alameda de S. Dâmaso (look for the “girl” at the fountain, we will be there waiting for you)
Limit of participants per edition: 20 people
Comedoria (Food Curation) in Sever do Vouga

We have been walking around Sever do Vouga exploring flavors, smells, memories and sensations.
Inserted in the “Freedom, Art and Memory” Programming Cycle, this project by Ondamarela and Cor Tangerina offers a new look at the paths and trails of Sever do Vouga’s landscape, to discover new possibilities for our table.

It will also be a performative moment based on the word, the word that generates sensations, the word that conditions the action, that conditions the flavor.

The Foot on the Door
For the wonderful A Porta Festival, in Leiria, ondamarela developed the performance “Having the Foot on the Door”. From an open call and word of mouth, with the participation of the Ateneu Desportivo de Leiria Choir, around 40 people from Leiria joined us and created music, sound, gesture, dreams and soap bubbles with us.
Based on questions regarding the city, but also in conjunction with the place where the festival takes place this year, the ruins of the Convento dos Capuchos, the history and stories around it, we took the stage in a mix of joy and nervousness. Under a light rain that fed one of the pieces created, Neblina, we put our foot in the door and let everything come and go.
Thank you very much to those who invited us, thank you very much to those who created and took the stage with us, it was wonderful.
Thanks, once again, to Vera Marmelo, for the photos!
ondamarela in Serbia
As part of Beta Circus, we spent the last week in Novi Sad, as mentors for the artistic residency between the collectives Fenfire, from Austria and Ekspedicijastanica, from Serbia. Mirror of Novi Sad, the collective creation that also included the decisive participation of teenagers from Novi Sad was finally presented on the 17th and 18th of May, it was a walkthrough that occupied the space of a school, with interventions, installations and performances that addressed the issues of space, reflection, public and private.
A full week, with a lot of learning and lots of friends. Thanks!
Do we need it?
Do we have it? Do we share it?
Is it private or public?
Is a school a space? Is it just a place?
Is it safe? Is it brave?
What do mirrors do to it? What do they do to us?
Are mirrors honest? Is sound sincere?
Are we allowed to change space? Can we cross lines, enter forbidden zones?
Questions bring more and more questions.
Oh, I hear the bell now.
Photos by Goran Jevtić for Cirkus Danas festival
The Machine in Ílhavo
This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces It to Surrender
arrived in Ílhavo. Once again, this programmatic cycle sets in and begins to work on hate, its nuances, and what we can all do about it.
We are in Gafanha da Nazaré until the 28th of April and until then we do the Workshop that surrounds hate, we accompany Alexandra Saldanha and Ana Markl in their creation “What is this Mánica for?”, we create the Community Performance with everyone who wants to join, we join Maria Vlachou in the conversation about the topic.
23 Milhas, a partner that invites us to think about the territory, the people and the way we deal with each other, follows this entire path, celebrating with us the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April with the freshness and creativity that characterizes this project.
All information here:
Som Sim Zero: In the street, the meeting
Last weekend, at the Tremor Festival, we presented another new creation by Som Sim Zero.
This time, a journey, on the street, with ASISM, the musicians who accompany us, Bora Lá Tocar and Back to Funk. This time, in addition to our wonderful Samuel Martins Coelho, we had with us the incredible Patrícia Costa, in costumes and props.
About the meeting, opening doors, time and invisible things, we surround the festival audience in a cloud of good things.
Thank you everyone, we leave here some beautiful photos of Vera Marmelo.
The meeting is revolutionary.
To let in.
Listening is revolutionary.
To participate.
Wanting to know is revolutionary.
To dance.
To draw a circle,
to bring together,
to discuss,
to laugh,
to touch
Silence is revolutionary
The sound.
Thinking is revolutionary.
The no.
The gesture is revolutionary.
To smile.
To draw a circle,
to bring together,
to discuss,
to laugh,
to touch
It’s a wrap! Adelaide Citizens Orchestra – Floods of Fire
Last Saturday, March 16th, our Citizens Orchestra performed, ending our participation in the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra’s Floods of Fire, at this year’s Adelaide Festival. A process that began more than a year ago, for the opening of the Adelaide Festival 2023, and which has touched thousands of different people, in dozens of workshops in very different spaces. We created a performance with completely new music, created from these workshops, and the culmination, at Maths Lawn, on Saturday, was a very beautiful moment for us.
Obrigado a todos os que decidiram abrir esta porta e participar, obrigado ao Airan Berg pelo convite, pelo esforço e pelo programa Floods of Fire, obrigado à Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, ao Adelaide Festival e à Universidade de Adelaide.
Um obrigado extra especial à Rachel Pittson e à Jessica Manning e ao Paul Cowley.
E claro, ao nosso Tim Steiner.
Foi um projecto marcante para a ondamarela, estamos muito orgulhosos do que se conseguiu fazer.
Thank you to everyone who decided to open this door and participate, thank you to Airan Berg for the invitation, for the effort and the Floods of Fire program, thank you to the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, the Adelaide Festival and the University of Adelaide.
An extra special thank you to Rachel Pittson, Jessica Manning and Paul Cowley.
And of course, our Tim Steiner.
It was a landmark project for ondamarela, we are very proud of what was achieved.
Adelaide Citizens Orchestra 2024
Ondamarela is back in Adelaide, to create what will be the closing performance of Floods of Fire, at this year’s Adelaide Festival. From the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, a giant orchestra, made up of everyone who wanted to participate, has been attending workshops in various areas of the city, to jointly mount this enormous challenge, which will be presented on the 16th. learning, emotion and music. Thank you all!
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