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rock in rio

Som Sim Zero at Rock in Rio – the documentary

The Galp Foundation has already published the documentary about the adventure of our Som Sim Zero concert at Rock in Rio 2023.
It is very beautiful and emotional, and served as a motto for us to meet again this month in Rabo de Peixe.
Have a look there:

Som Sim Zero in Rock in Rio Lisboa

Som Sim Zero will be on the 25th of June at Palco Galp SPOT, at Rock in Rio Lisboa, at 15:00.
Many people have come to film and record our rehearsals at Cine-Teatro Miramar, in Rabo de Peixe, S. Miguel Island, Azores and there have been many questions and many answers. We are very anxious!

Reportagem Vídeo – Jornal de Notícias

Reportagem Vídeo – SIC

Reportagem Vídeo – RTP Açores

Reportagem Rádio – Antena 1

Reportagem Jornal Açoriano Oriental

Welcome, 2023!

2022 was an intense year. Very intense.
We created THIS MACHINE SURROUNDS HATE AND FORCE IT TO SURRENDER and we made it happen in Sever do Vouga and Ovar.

We returned to the island of S. Miguel and to (our) TREMOR to work with ASISM and the Coral de S. José in a very beautiful and intimate process.
With the OOF family we created the MEIO CAMINHO, for the Municipality of Guimarães. Also in Guimarães, we made the PAISAGEM INVISÍVEL, for the 7Bairros Cultural program.

In the Municipality of Famalicão we were with Tim Steiner in the collaborative creation workshop, we conceived the community performance for QUEIMA DO GALHEIRO and developed the performance TUDO MUDA, created with the communities of Avidos, Seide S. Paio, Seide S. Miguel, Lagoa , Landim. We returned months later for RESTO É RUÍDO, presented in November. All beautiful and intense processes; Famalicão is increasingly a territory of very beautiful community experiences.

We returned to S. Miguel to prepare SOM SIM ZERO‘s participation in Rock in Rio, at the invitation of the Galp Foundation. Again with ASISM and the Rabo Peixe School of Music, everything was so beautiful that there are not many words.

For CIM – Viseu Dão Lafões we created SETE E SETE, directed by Tim Steiner, with communities from the 14 municipalities of the region.
We were with Opium at Sala Estúdio Perpétuo to carry out the CANÇÕES DO BAIRRO workshops and we trained monitors for MUSEUZER0, creating a new workshop and testing it in schools in the Algarve. An epic project was FOLIA, with Galandum Galundaina, for the Municipalities of Vinhais, Macedo de Cavaleiros and Miranda do Douro. So many people involved, so much beautiful work, so many good hugs, so much music.

For the Municipality of Braga, we worked with a href=”https://www.facebook.com/NEEDCooperativaoficial/”>Need Cooperativa, with Grupo de Teatro Planalto and with Banda Musical de Cabreiros in the design and presentation of ESFERA – Desistimos ou Continuamos, at the Monastery of Tibães. Still in Braga, for the Circuit, we created Acusticidade, em S. Paio de Merelim with Pedro Lima, in S. Paio de Merelim.

Ana​, Ricardo​ and Sara​ would like to thank all the artists, all the institutions, all the communities that are on the wave with us.


Come 2023!