Bairro C - Guimarães
Descouroçar is a research and mediation project for the Leather area, in Guimarães, integrated in Bairro C, a project of the Municipality of Guimarães.
Online Performance – Descouroçar
The performance DECOUROÇAR, with Jovens Cantores de Guimarães and inhabitants of the neighborhood of Couros, is now online! It was a beautiful project!
ondamarela’s article
Ondamarela is part of the group of people and entities that contribute with articles to the first issue of the magazine Guimarães C Visível. Entitled “Feeling of Us”, the article addresses cultural mediation and our perspective on this work and includes beautiful photos of our Pedro Sardinha, Sara Fernandes and Paulo Pimenta.
To think the city
Following the work in the scope of Descouroçar, for Bairro C, we were in the 2nd session of the Conversation Cycle, submitted to the theme “Couros: a river, a territory and a community” on 15th May, just after our concert at the Institute of Design. It was an honor to be able to share conversation and thoughts with Carlos Ribeiro and Ricardo Rodrigues (moderator).
Descouroçar – the performance
Within the scope of Bairro C of Guimarães City Council, ondamarela created, with the magnificent choir Jovem Cantores de Guimarães and inhabitants of Couros, a new performance, designed to be presented inside the old Fraterna tanks, in Guimarães. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t help and the show had to be “relocated” at the Instituto de Design, on the 15th of May 2021.
The result of an artistic residency that started from the work carried out in “DESCOUROÇAR” in 2020, the question was once again asked: “What do we want for Couros?”. More than answers, Ondamarela’s work was a process of constant questioning. Working with residents and future occupants of this territory, visions and opinions are crossed, stories are shared, and knowledge is summoned.
The process was a great pleasure and the result made us very proud. We all left the experience richer.
(des- + couros + -ar)
verbo transitivo
1. Tirar o caroço ou a semente a Couros.
2. [Portugal: Minho] Deslindar; explicar Couros.
3. Contar Couros com minúcia
We’ve been working in Guimarães. Talks, songs, stories, complaints and smiles.
#bairroc #municipiodeguimarães #couros #ondamarela #descouroçar