

ondamarela was invited to create “Fado Lousada”, a musical project with the local music communities, inspired by the Fado tradition.

We Are

In 2018, the Municipality of Lousada invited us to create and present a community project inspired in the Fado tradition. With André Nunes and Pedro Santos artistic direction and Patrícia Costa‘s set design and costumes, the project was followed, on its last week, by Maria Nunes, that directed this documentary for ondamarela.
It’s with immense honour that we present:
SOMOS (We Are)

Fado Lousada – the movie

Our project Fado Lousada gets now a movie, with the presentation of the documentary by Maria Nunes, that accompanied the whole process and the final result, on the concert. After this presentation to the participants, we’re glad to share this work with the world. Thanks Maria, thanks Pedro, André and Patrícia, and of course, thanks to the wonderful artists onstage.
For now, here goes the teaser!

Fado Lousada

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Fado Lousada

Fado Lousada.Para ver, ouvir e dançar. Esta sexta-feira, dia 6 de Julho, pelas 22h00.

Publicado por ondamarela em Segunda-feira, 2 de Julho de 2018

Ondamarela was invited to create the performance “Fado Lousada” in Lousada, north of Portugal. Inspired by fado and with the participation of communities with diverse backgrounds, this was a project directed by Pedro Santos and André Nunes, with scenography and costumes by Patrícia Costa.

Yesterday, at Avenida Senhor dos Aflitos, the performance woke up the best of the participants and audience, with a lot of music, dance and smiles as a result. A night we won’t forget.