In common language, when one wants to refer to great feats, it is customary to speak of odysseys and by them one understands unusual feats, often utopian. This challenge proposed by Teatro Nacional D. Maria II quotes the Greek epic poem, looking for the place of the ideal, but with its feet firmly on the ground or, better said, throughout the entire Portuguese territory.
During 2023, the Theater will disseminate its artistic activity, involving the populations, cultural agents and municipal administrations of more than 90 municipalities. Like the Homeric epic, this National Odyssey is also a return to the space where the public mission of D. Maria II always resided: the breadth of the national territory.
The programming of this odyssey seeks to exponentially democratize the theatrical offer, promoting local artistic creation, with intergenerational and inclusive projects, which reflect the country’s diversity, from regional scales. It also proposes to relate contemporary thought with local identities, bringing communities closer to new artistic languages.
In 2023, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II will be present in all regions of mainland Portugal, Azores and Madeira, with a program that includes hundreds of proposals grouped into five programs — Pieces (shows), Acts (participation projects), Fruits (activities for school audiences), Scenarios (thought events) and Nexus (training) — and an Exhibition.
An endeavor that, through theatre, aims to portray key dimensions of cultural activity in Portugal, creating an in-depth reflection on the different realities and promoting greater territorial cohesion with ballast for the years to come.
Ears in the Wind
Last weekend, the work we were doing in Beja was presented, for the Atos axis of the Teatro Nacional Dona Maria II’s National Odyssey.
Ouvidos ao Vento (ears in the wind) was an artistic journey in the spaces of the wonderful building of Santa Casa da Misericórdia, which involved the performances of around 4 dozen people from Beja, and many others in the process. It was an intense, dense project, but very beautiful and impactful for us. The result presented, on Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 12th, was the culmination of a reflection on listening, debate, openness and participation.
Here is our synopsis and photos from saturday, by João Roldão.
Ears in the wind
The voice of the other, of others. My voice with that of others. What changes in my voice when it joins the voice of stones and animals, the voice of the wind and the sun, the voice of wine, fury, love, the voice of calm, sleep, the voice of honey, the voice of the body.
In the baggage that each of these voices brings, the sacred and the profane, work and intimacy, the individual and the social are invoked.
Through intense work of collecting, researching, experimenting, reflecting and debating ideas, we will create a restlessness of ideas, with our feet on the ground, with voices that sound like Beja.
You say you love freedom
Of doing and thinking
I’m free when I sing
Nobody has to listen to me
ondamarela on the Ítaca magazine
Ondamarela is the highlight in the 3rd edition of Ítaca, the magazine of Teatro Nacional D. Maria II.
Accompanying our work at Odisseia Nacional, we talked about how we started, our vision, what interests us to do.
Check it out and we hope you like it!
Link here:
Cenários Presentes
This weekend we will be at Cenário Presentes, of Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, talking about important things with people we care about.
Come to Torres Vedras!
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Who Are We?
I’ve already invented ways to massage the eyelids.
I miss the salt.
If I knew, I would fly.
I’m afraid to die.
‘We, who are we?’ is the interrogation, transformed into a project, that guided the work of ondamarela in Castelo Branco.
Last weekend, it was the moment of presentation of the project that explores the matter of which the ties of a community are made. At the Municipal Market of Castelo Branco, the elements that participated in the project, a new community, presented their voice, discovered through words, theater and music, and revealed the different bonds that formed a new “we”.
And we were forever connected to a group of people so diverse, so special, so unique.
Very special thanks to Cine-Teatro de Castelo Branco and to the Municipality, to InterrogAção, to the Professional School of the Conservatory of Castelo Branco, to Amato Lusitano-Associação de Desenvolvimento, to Art’Kompany, to Universidade Sénior Albicastrense – USALBI, to Teatro Tramédia and to “Nós com os Outros-8G”.The Atos program is an initiative of the D. Maria II National Theater and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Photos by João Roldão
Real Life – Odisseia Nacional

Thank you to this wonderful group that we will hardly forget. Thank you to the theater group of the Lordelense Cultural Center, to the group Bombos Águias da Lage, to Coro Misto Mouçós, to Associacaodc Lage and to all the other participants who, individually, accepted this challenge through the open call. Thank you wonderful team, Lais and Simão who made it happen with us. Thank you Léa Prisca Lopez and André Pato for their essential help and good vibes, always.
Thanks to Teatro Nacional D. Maria II and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian for this Odyssey and for this challenge and to Teatro de Vila Real for the incredible welcome.

ondamarela with Atos – Odisseia Nacional
Ondamarela is also part of the National Odyssey at Teatro Nacional D. Maria II.
We’re proud to be part of a program that decentralizes and democratizes creation and cultural participation, side by side with so many people that we love so much. Let’s do it!
photo by Pedro Sardinha (Bida Airada)