This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces It to Surrender
passed through Sever do Vouga. It left images, sounds, words, reflections, memories, thoughts.
To the extraordinary team at CAE Sever do Vouga, to the guest artists and to all who participated, our thanks. The Machine leaves LOVE wherever it goes, and now it goes to Ovar!
Photos by João Roldão
passed through Sever do Vouga. It left images, sounds, words, reflections, memories, thoughts.
To the extraordinary team at CAE Sever do Vouga, to the guest artists and to all who participated, our thanks. The Machine leaves LOVE wherever it goes, and now it goes to Ovar!
Photos by João Roldão
#estamáquinacercaoódioeforçaoarenderse #estamaquinacercaoodio #caesv #severdovouga #estamaquinacercaoodio #thismachinesurroundshate #odio #hate #xenofobia #preconceito #racismo #diferença #liberdade #racism #musica #comunidade #residenciaartistica #imigrantes #imigração #instrumentos #cantar #culturasegura
4 March 2022